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Whistles from Acme, DeCorcey, Fox 40 and Storm with FREE UK Shipping

Fox 40 Eclipse Whistle with Lanyard

Fox 40 Eclipse CMG Whistle with Lanyard

Fox 40 Eclipse CMG Whistle with LanyardFox 40 Eclipse CMG Whistle with LanyardFox 40 Eclipse CMG Whistle with LanyardFox 40 Eclipse CMG Whistle with LanyardFox 40 Eclipse CMG Whistle with Lanyard

Fox 40 Eclipse CMG Whistle with Lanyard

The Classic Eclipse has an enhanced design and bright colors with the same great Fox 40 Classic sound.


The Fox 40® Classic™ Eclipse™ has the authentic Classic sound in a sleek design and integrated co-molded Cushioned Mouth Grip (CMG®)
Bright neon colors, easily seen and heard
No moving parts to freeze, jam or deteriorate
Flawless, consistent and reliable
The harder you blow, the louder the sound
Easy to blow and cannot be overblown
Chambers are designed to self-clear when submerged in water
Will be heard above ambient noise, loud crowds, the roar of engines, breaking waves and thundering gale-force winds
Sound will be heard up to a mile away

Price: £6.00
