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Whistles from Acme, DeCorcey, Fox 40 and Storm with FREE UK Shipping

Fox 40 whistle

Fox 40 whistle

Fox 40 whistle

Popular sports whistle in black plus a wide range of other colours

Price: £7.25

Fox 40 Classic Black Fingergrip Whistle

Fox 40 Classic Black Fingergrip Whistle

Fox 40 Classic Black Fingergrip Whistle

The original Fox 40 whistle - this is the one that changed the game!

For referees and coaches at every level who want every call to be heard and depend on its reliability. The flawless, consistent and penetrating sound keeps the referee in control of the game and can be heard above the crowds and players. This makes it the standard choice for personal safety and rescue professionals worldwide. It can also be heard above ambient noise, engine roars and breaking waves. The chambers are designed to self-clear when submerged in water and there are no moving parts to freeze, jam or deteriorate.

Includes an embossed Fox 40 Finger Grip for ease of use.

Price: £9.50