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Whistles from Acme, DeCorcey, Fox 40 and Storm with FREE UK Shipping

ACME Thunderer

Small Acme Thunderer Metal Whistle (605)

Small Acme Thunderer Metal Whistle (605)

Ideal for Coaching, Police, Teachers, Football. The No 1 Thunderer
Easily outsells all other metal whistles - if you want the best all round whistle choose this one.

Blowrate: Easy
Blowtone: High
Blowsound: Very High Volume

Size & Weight
Dimensions: 4.5(L) x 1.8(W) x 2(H) cms
Weight 0.02 kgs

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Price: £6.30

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Medium Acme Thunderer Metal Whistle (595)

Medium Acme Thunderer Metal Whistle (595)

A medium sound recommended for: General Signalling & Police
Bigger than 60.5, smaller than 58.5
Why it was introduced is a little vague - lost in time
Like the 63, is used by European Police forces.

Blowrate: Modest
Blowsound: Medium Loudness
Blowtone: Midtone
{Size & Weight}
Dimensions: 5.5(L) x 1.9(W) x 2.5(H) cms
Weight 0.03 kgs

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Price: £7.25

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Medium Acme Thunderer Metal Whistle (63)

Medium Acme Thunderer Metal Whistle (63)

Recommeded for: Referee's, Police, Sports Teachers
Very popular in Europe as individuals use this model for sport
Originally used by Traffic Police in Europe

Blowrate: Modest
Blowsound; Maximum Loudness
Blowtone: Highest Pitch
Weight 0.31 kgs

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Price: £7.95

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Large Acme Thunderer Metal Whistle (58.5)

Large Acme Thunderer Metal Whistle (58.5)

Big deep sound, far carrying, some consider more user friendly.
We sell this model to the Rugby Football Union @ Twickenham
Recently proving popular as it has a tapered mouthpiece

Recommended for: Coaching, Football, Rugby
Blowrate: Most effort
Blowsound: High Loudness
Blowtone: Deep
Weight 0.46 kgs

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Price: £8.25

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Extra Large Acme Thunderer Metal Whistle (58)

Extra Large Acme Thunderer Metal Whistle (58)

Strongest, Tough Industrial Grade, Solid Brass Pea Whistle Nickel plated
Has a square mothpiece.
Still popular with rugby refs.
Used by Railway companies - we sell to many of them
The specified model for use by Fire Brigades - we supply a number of forces.

Recommended for: Tough Sports, Military, Police, Industrial, Fire & Safety
Originally supplied to Railway companies and Rugby Clubs as deep authoritive sound.
We supply this model to Virgin and EBIS (Abellio Greater Anglia)
The specified model for use by Fire Brigades - we supply a number of forces.
Stands out from background noise
Blowrate: Hardest to Blow
Blowsound: Medium Loudness
Blowtone: Deepest
Weight 0.51 kgs
Size: 2.25" or 5.7cm

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Price: £8.50

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Acme Thunderer Metal Fingergrip Whistle (477/585)

Acme Thunderer Metal Fingergrip Whistle (477/585)

Fingergrip version of the most popular sports whistles
58 version is the official whistle of Canadian Hockey
Brass / nickel plated

Netball and football tend to use the 60.5 model
Rugby tend to use the 58.5 or 58 model

Netball and football tend to use the 60.5 model
Rugby tend to use the 58.5 or 58 model

Refer to the non fingergrip versions for sound information
Physically a little larger for the fingergrip element

To hear the sound of the different models please go to the non-fingrip version of each model

Price: £10.25


Acme Thunderer Metal Fingergrip Whistle (477/585)

Acme Thunderer Metal Fingergrip Whistle (477/585)

Fingergrip version of the most popular sports whistles
58 version is the official whistle of Canadian Hockey
Brass / nickel plated

Netball and football tend to use the 60.5 model
Rugby tend to use the 58.5 or 58 model

Netball and football tend to use the 60.5 model
Rugby tend to use the 58.5 or 58 model

Refer to the non fingergrip versions for sound information
Physically a little larger for the fingergrip element

To hear the sound of the different models please go to the non-fingrip version of each model

Price: £10.25
